Running Teamspeak 3 Server As a Regular User

In my previous article on How to run Teamspeak3 on Digital Ocean the instructions have you create a teamspeak3 user and change ownership of the files. I noticed in some of the comments over there that people noticed it was running as root, not the greatest thing for security. I noticed my server was also running as root, here’s how to fix it if you used my instructions: Shut down Teamspeak: [Read More]

Running a Teamspeak 3 Server on Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean provides a Virtual Private Server for just $5 a month. It also happens to be perfect to run a Teamspeak 3 server on. Teamspeak is a great way to chat with friends while playing games or pair programming. This how-to assumes you’re running Ubuntu 12.04 (or something close to it) and that you already have your server spun up and ready to SSH into. Visit the Community section of Digital Ocean if you need further help. [Read More]