Running Teamspeak 3 Server As a Regular User

In my previous article on How to run Teamspeak3 on Digital Ocean the instructions have you create a teamspeak3 user and change ownership of the files. I noticed in some of the comments over there that people noticed it was running as root, not the greatest thing for security.

I noticed my server was also running as root, here’s how to fix it if you used my instructions:

Shut down Teamspeak:

sudo service teamspeak3 stop

Remove the /etc/init.d/teamspeak3 soft link:

sudo rm /etc/init.d/teamspeak3

Now edit /etc/init.d/teamspeak3 and set the contents to this:


su -c "/usr/local/teamspeak3/ $@" teamspeak3

Set the file to be executable:

sudo chmod u+x /etc/init.d/teamspeak3

Fix permissions, many of the Teamspeak files are probably owned by root now which would prevent the server from starting:

sudo chown -R teamspeak3:teamspeak3 /usr/local/teamspeak3

Start the server back up:

sudo service teamspeak3 start

Use your client software to connect and make sure everything is operating properly and you’re done.

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